Distance Services
Professionals seeking clinical supervision for state licensure and cognate credentials often have to expend extra time and money as well as other precious resources to get the depth formation experiences they seek. Some learn better in individual or triadic supervision while other respond better in small groups. Many want these learning opportunities to be able to count in various ways based upon the credentials held by the one providing the supervision of the therapy or of the supervision they provide. Some are well experienced and credentialed in the field and want fresh eyes and ears to deepen further in their formation. Still others are branching into distance therapy and supervision and seek supportive consultation in that journey. Is there a place to turn?
Dr. Jim Pruett of Bridgepath, Inc. has provided psychotherapy for more than fifty years and supervised psychotherapists and supervisors in training since 1980. He is a multi-licensed psychotherapist in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia and holds supervisory credentials (both state licensure and cognate group) that authorize him to supervise for licensure in these and other states as well as for other supervisory and psychotherapy credentials with a number of cognate groups. He also is a Board Certified-TeleMental Health Provider (BC-TMH). Click here to view Dr. Pruett’s credentials and background for how his supervision and consultation might benefit you..
Dr. Jim Pruett is credentialed to offer these distance services:
Distance Psychotherapy In States Where He Is Licensed: As a Board Certified TeleMental Health Provider (BC-TMH) with the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE) he provides videoconferencing and phone psychotherapy for individuals and couples by appointment.
Distance Supervision: As a multi-licensed supervisor with clinical supervision credentials with these cognate groups he offers clinical supervision for therapists in training and supervisors in training through videoconferencing and phone sessions:
​American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT)
Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE)
Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy Program (SIP),
Association for Clinical Pastoral Education(ACPE)
College for Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP)
Distance Consultant: As an experienced consultant who uses videoconferencing and phone conferencing Dr. Pruett uses his parish background, clinical training, supervisory expertise, national organizational leadership, and administrative know-how in various service, business, and professional settings to offer (1) new perspective, (2) professional support, (3) intentional direction and (4) a proposed plan to congregations, companies, practices, agencies, and businesses who are experiencing challenges as well as both planned and unpredictable changes arising concurrently with emotional divisions, low morale, staff turnovers, deaths, transitions, layoffs, trauma, moves, planned growth expansion, or other stressful circumstances.